PRLog (Press Release)– Jul 27, 2011– The new Hong Kong Power Report from BMI forecasts that the country's power consumption will rise from 44.7 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2010 to 58.9TWh by the end of the forecast period, representing average annual growth of 3.1% in 2011-2020. After power industry usage and system losses, we see a supply shortfall rising from the estimated 5.8TWh level seen in 2010 to 6.9TWh by 2020, assuming 3.4% average annual growth in power generation during the period.
Hong Kong power generation in 2010 is put by BMI at 38.7TWh, having risen 3.7% from the 2009 level. BMI is forecasting an average 3.4% annual increase to 44.1TWh between 2011 and 2015. Thermal generation, comprising coal, gas and oil, is expected to grow by 3.4% per annum during the period to 2015, and to remain on this growth trend until 2020. Thermal power generation will continue to account for all of the domestic production, with imports from nuclear and pumped storage capacity in China.
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We expect gas-fired pow cadillac er generation to climb 5.7% per annum between 2011 and 2015, with an average annual growth rate of 5.4% forecast to 2020. Gas-fired generation should therefore reach 13.4TWh by 2015 and 17.1TWh by 2020. The total share of Hong Kong's power generation should therefore increase from 27.1% to 30.3% by 2015, rising to 32.9% by 2020. Coal-fired generation will have accounted for 72.7% of the country's total generation in 2010, according to BMI estimates. We expect the fuel's market share to be 69.5% by 2015, firing a projected 30.7TWh. By 2020, coal's share of generation is forecast at 66.9%, representing 34.8TWh.
While Hong Kong will continue to import electricity generated by nuclear power stations in mainland China, there are no plans to build nuclear facilities on the island. In December 2008 CLP announced that it was considering investing in two new nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 2GW at Daya Bay Nuclear power plant (NPP) in China. aston martin According to the South China Morning Post, as reported by China Knowledge, CLP announced it was conducting a feasibility study. The company was assessing whether to up the investment in the planned 7th and 8th reactors at the NPP.
Hong Kong is now ranked 12th in BMI's updated Asia Power Business Environment rating, thanks to its modest market size and below-average growth prospects. Certain country risk factors offset some of the industry weakness.
Report Table of Contents:
SWOT Analysis - Hong Kong Power SWOT Global Industry Overview - Global Table: Total Generation Data (TWh) - Global Table: Total Consumption Data (TWh) - Global Table: Total Electricity Generating Capacity Data (MW) Regional Industry Overview - Regional Table: Asia Total Generation Data (TWh) - Regional Table: Asia Total Consumption Data (TWh) - Regional Table: Asia Total Electricity Generating Capacity Data (MW) - Nuclear Power In Asia Market Overview - Hong Kong - Regula acura tion/Competition - Power Transmission Business Environment Rankings - Asia Pacific Power Business Environment Ratings - Table: Asia Regional Power Business Environment Ratings - Hong Kong Power Rating - Overview - Rewards - Risks Industry Forecast Scenario - Table: Hong Kong Total Generation Data - Table: Hong Kong Total Generation Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Electric Power Transmission And Distribution Losses Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Trade Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Trade Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Total Consumption Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Total Consumption Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Consumption by Energy Sector Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Consumption by Energy Sector Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Electricity Generating Capacity Data And Forecasts, 2007-2015 (TWh) - Table: Hong Kong Electricity Generating Capacity Long-Term Forecasts, 2012-2020 (TWh) - Hong Kong Power Outlook - Generation - Gas-fired - Oil-fired - Coal-fired - Nuclear Energy - Hydro-electric - Renewable Energy - Transmission - Key Risks to BMI's Forecast Scenario Competitive Landscape - Executive Summary - China Light and Power (CLP) - Summary - Power Assets/HEC - Summary - ExxonMobil - Summary Company Monitor - China Light and Power (CLP) Glossary Of Terms - Glossary Of Terms BMI Forecast Modelling - How we generate our industry forecasts - Power Industry - Cross checks - Sources
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